Tyra Race

Watched a re-run episode of Tyra’s called “ Guess My Race“, and I can totally relate to this because I’ve experienced ignorance and plain stupidity even disappointment when it came to my race. My mother was mixed and grew up getting to know her race(s). Well, she met my father and he wasn’t either of her races and so when they created me I inherited it all. I’ve always have a problem with my race from going to an all-white school and having to find friends that were willing to play with me and even telling me that in order for me to play I’d have to be the slave (not fucking cool). I hear the disappointment I get about my race when people ask me ‘where I’m from?” or the worst question ever “what are you?” (like wtf?! that’s like the dumbest question I’ve ever heard because HELLO?! the answer to the question is human! lmao). I am btw Hispanic and African – American. My mother is Dominican & Salvadorean, my problem with my hispanic side is when I meet hispanic people they’re kind of disappointed that I’m actually Salvadorean or Dominican is, and the problem with my african – american side is that they assume I have to be mixed -(which I am but…let’s use our imagination people! LOL) because I do not have a certain texture of hair or because the color of my skin isn’t as dark and a lot of people. I mean, common people, this is a new day and age why should we let such trivial things as race and colors of our skin affect us, we’re all learning how to prosper despite it, I say we let it slide and move onto more important topics.

Artistic or Perverse?

Terry Richardson is an international photographer described as “prolific and compelling photographer of his generations” Who’s been known for his amazing yet very suggestive photos , his talent or amazing ability to capture amazing photos has landed him “campaign’s for clients such as Gucci, Sisley, Miu Miu, Chloe, and even H&M,. He’s had editorial work with/in Vogue (French and British), GQ, Harper’s Bazaar, and Sports Illustrated.

Yet, through all of this glory his professionalism is being taken into question since the article at The Gloss by Jamie Peck, a young once aspiring model that had a recollection of perverse and cringes–worthy moments with Terry.

Peck wrote that “Of all the fine folks I’ve frolicked au naturel for, he’s the only one who’s left me feeling like I needed to take two showers. This man has built his business/pleasure empire on breaking the cardinal rule of asking a young girl you don’t know to come over to your house and hang out naked: don’t be a fucking creep

When I’ve viewed Terry Richardson’s photographs they looked pretty amazing!, I am not very familiar with his work but after reading the article and googling some photos of his , I can definitely tell that there is a huge possibility that it happened, now of course I wasn’t there but by his work and some interviews I’ve read I can imagine something of that sort happening. What do you guys think?  Yay? Nay? Not sure?

Read Jamie’s whole story here


Jj Doll.

O’MIGAAAAAH she updated!

I am terribly sorry about not being able to update, I’ve thought about updating several times, but honestly haven’t felt like it. I’ve been going through lots of stress and other bs that doesn’t really matter. What matters is that I’m back, and that I hope to be updating as much as possible, I feel like I’ve lost the ideas for my blog, but they’re surely coming back. I’ve even gone back to my blog readings as well. If , you have any ideas or things you’d like to read more about then please let me know….if in fact anyone is reading this. I’d also like to throw out there, that I am looking for a better paying job in DC/VA/MD area [preferably metro accessible], so if you have any information on that , please let me  know as soon as possible , thanks.


ooh and btw, don’t forget to follow me on twitter – JgloFerrari.

Besos! ,

Jj Doll.


ps – I saw this neat little monster on Flickr, robleto, if I am not mistaken, I’d say that mister robleto makes these cute little creatures himself, and you could possibly buy them, not quite sure, but I needed a cute picture for an apology and I found it. You’d have to discuss possible purchases with him. I know I’d want one 😉

I have a inkling…

I recently came across this photo on Flickr. And, I fell in love with it. I’ve been looking into hummingbird tattoo’s for a while. And, everyone’s waiting for me to do it..lol.  So, I shall be taking this big leap the beginning of the new year! Anyone know of any good artists in the DMV!

Oh, and thank you oh so much Monkeys Jump from Flickr for uploading the photo.

Jj Doll.

What’s On My Mind – 11.29.09

I have a question, people! Do you think because someone goes through bad situations in life it gives them the right to curse God? Why or Why not?

I feel that if you’ve been thrown bad situations that you shouldn’t curse Him. I completely understand that not everyone worships Him but I respect your beliefs just as you should respect mine. I won’t criticize your beliefs but just do not curse Him in front of me, because you would be criticizing my beliefs. Right? =/


Jj Doll.


Well, Well, Well,….

A lot has happened.. and of course should happen. I mean it’s been a busy couple of weeks. And I do apologize. Let’s just fill you in on what has happened…

1. I’m now a redhead & I friggin’ love it! I mean why not?! I’ve gone black and brown, hey I’ve even gone “piss after you take a multi-vitamin” blonde! SO, I took a leap of faith and went to the best hair dresser of all time.. JILL! Thanks a bunch Jill, I love it.! I’ve added some photo’s to the bottom and unfortunately you cannot see the color but you can see the style. When I get better lighting I’ll be sure to add more.

2. I’ve gotten a second job- Yes, I know how can I add more onto my plate of work and school…easy, I got another plate! I just started but I do like it. It’s a store and/or specialty that I’ve never worked in but I like it. Maybe because it’s a personal store and they sell lovely trinkets and things and i’m a trinket kind of girl. The smaller things count.

3. My cousin got married and I’ll def. have to post photos of the outfit I wore. OMG there’s a story behind all of this. Point is .. I didn’t end up going but it was for a reason. I did end up wearing the dress though…to a wedding I was SUPPOSE to attend but couldn’t. I wish I would’ve seen it all. Especially the Ass-Grabbing-Drunk-Groom.

4. I’ve recently cut a couple of people out of my life. Simple.

Well, I’ve got to go but I’ll def. post sometime this week. At the bottom is this neat ring I picked up at Forever 21..if only it were REAL!

– yours truly
Jj Doll.



“I used to think I could keep the things that I love, now I only hold on to the things that love me back.”

I feel like this completely describes my mood today. I found this quote on someone’s blog today when I did my daily blog reading. Therefore, if your reading and I did not give you any credit please let me know and I will give you the credit you deserve or please let me know the person who said this, thanks!

            I am sick of being this caring person with such a nice streak that I put up with so much garbage it’s unbelievable! I feel as if I am always being walked all over but that streak and that phase is over with. I feel like there is time for a change and no more bullshit.

Moreover, the time is now. Now is the time to think about me for a change and not about trying to please anyone because I feel bad or because I feel its right. If I do not please you, oh fucking well! It is time for me to be happy and for once make myself (J) happy! I know I have responsibilities and priorities as does the rest of you and I know we all get the urge to just say fuck responsibilities and fuck priorities but it’s not so easy for me(this is the hard part). I know that’s the caring streak but I see those(the fuck- it) qualities as wasteless scum’s that just take up space in the world where were already crowded! I am basically saying through all this ranting is that I want to be the happy-go-lucky-carefree-no-taking-anyone’s-shit-J!

            On another positive note, it was my brother Christian’s birthday and he turned six. I can tell he is growing up because I could actually have a good, nice long conversation with him where I am not making baby noises or smiling like an idiot! He understands me and I him. Sure, he is fucking bad but that is most boys at his age. What makes him different is that fact that he doesn’t act like boys his age. I cannot describe it. If you sat down with him, you would know exactly what I am talking about. Nevertheless, he has asked for a nickname! So, we tried. Just do not know exactly what to call him! He does not like C, or Chris (he has hated it since he was like three!), and he does not like Nacho Libre. Got any suggestions… we let him choose for now and he decided he wants to be called Blaze from now on. So, here is a snapshot from my phone from yesterday. Apologies on the shitty quality!




Jj Doll.

Let’s Dance Douchebag

So, the douchebag is back, after everything he’s done to my mother.And I slowly feel her removing herself from us, and distancing herself from us. The closer he got to coming here/ or being here the more odd and/or withdrawn she became. But, it’s okay. If she would like to separate herself from her family and friends for someone that’s so not worth it, then it’s fine by me.

What isn’t cool is when she lies on me and makes me out to be the bad guy and makes me feel like i’m the worst daughter ever. She probably thinks that I don’t take her seriously or that I cannot survive without her. But, it’s okay. I’m going to prove to her and her douchebag that I can survive, and that I can make it.

SI SE PUEDE ! (that’s what I have to tell myself everyday).

So, if anyone knows of any part-time job opportunities in the D.C area let me know. Thanks

Jj Doll.


Been having a lot of anxiety. And it’s only getting worse. Could the fact that my wisdom teeth are coming in having anything to do with it? Or that I saw a scary movie? Does anyone have any explanation’s or tips or pieces of advice that would really help me?

Thank you,

Jj Doll.